Here’s How to Maximize Terpenes in Your Cannabis Plant

Close up of a cannabis plant Terpenes are naturally occurring chemicals that are found in some plants and animals. Terpenes are aromatic compounds and give good flavour and color to your food. They are also used in different products like cleaning agents, pesticides, and dyes. Some terpenes have therapeutic properties. Terpenes won’t make you high in normal conditions, but some are psychoactive because they affect the brain.

For example:

  • The capability of myrcene to uplift the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD.
  • The ability of limonene to escalate the anti-bacterial effect of CBD.

The auxiliary edge offered by terpenes have made their production all the more important, and many agronomists are now focusing on enhancing their production. Here are some tips to maximize terpenes level.

Stress your plant but not too much:

Lightly stressing your plant can help increase terpenes levels, but if you stress them too much, you can diminish your quality and yields. Methods such as low-stress training are an inordinate option when seeking buds freighted with terpenes. This technique involves bending, morphing, and manipulating branches. It consequently creates more main branches. The result is a smaller plant that produces larger yields.

Using light to boost terpenes:

Light plays a reproving role in the production of terpenes. The trichomes at the top of the plant defend the plant from too much light exposure. Growing indoors, you can enhance trichomes and terpenes production by exposing yourself to UV-B light during the flowering phase for 2-3 weeks.

Keep the temperature low:

During the flowering stage, ensure the temperature of your room stays below 26 degrees Celsius because some terpenes are highly volatile and may evaporate at a higher temperature. Minimize the temperature by 5 degrees Celsius during the nighttime.

Low nitrogen bloom fertilizer:

A high amount of nitrogen will minimize bud production; you should always use an NPK fertilizer with the minimum amount of nitrogen during flowering. Bloom fertilizer is best for this purpose. It also quells a good amount of phosphorus, potassium, and many micro-nutrients. When your bud mature, it contains a large number of terpenes.

Grow your cannabis in good soil:

Whether you are growing your plant indoors or outdoors, raising cannabis in good quality soil. In the end, you take a more flavorful and aromatic product. Many link this with the nexus nutrient profile that can be found in soil. Like growing wine, food, and the cannabis grow in good quality soil, and specific regions can take on unique flavors.


Terpene is a chemical that naturally occurs in the plants like cannabis. We can easily boost the level of terpenes in the plant-like cannabis etc., by simply applying some tips. By growing cannabis in good soil will boost the level of terpenes. The low temperature will also affect the plant. By enhancing the UV light in the indoor production of cannabis will also be helpful. The light stressing of the plant is also an effective tip. By applying bloom fertilizer tips, the terpenes level can easily be handled.

To learn more about the best tasting terps NV, get in touch with us today.

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