Understanding the Differences Between Cannabinoids and Terpenes

33 states have legalized medical marijuana use in the United States, including Washington D.C. Since the beginning of the 1990s, people have been using marijuana for recreational and medical purposes. If you’re curious about trying marijuana, you should know the difference between cannabinoids and terpenes to understand cannabis.

What are Cannabinoids?

If you’ve been in the cannabis industry for a while, you probably know that THC and CBD are considered some of the well-known cannabinoids. They produce a mental and body high. THC is said to have mind-altering effects. THC works with the brain’s receptors and creates a sense of euphoria. You can consume it in the form of flowers, edibles, capsules and oil.

CBD is a bit different from THC. It’s used for treating ailments and doesn’t produce a high. CBD is extracted from the hemp of the cannabis plant. CBD products come in the form of supplements, gummies, or gel.

Although both products are used to treat medical problems, you have to be a bit careful about consuming THC. Research shows consuming too much THC can have bad side effects such as memory impairment and inability to pay attention. On the other hand, even if you consume too much CBD, it’s typically safe and won’t lead to any mind alteration. In fact, CBD is also considered safe for dogs as vets recommend it for anxious dogs.

What are Terpenes?

                      Women applying essential oil on her hand

Unlike cannabis, terpenes are natural essential oils that control smell and taste. Even though the term might be new, you’ve been experiencing them your whole life. They give pine trees their aroma, and orange it’s the citrus smell. They’re also responsible for the relaxing effects of lavender.

Moreover, terpenes also play a big role in healing. Along with cannabinoids, it works to provide the entourage effect. Almost 20,000 different terpenes exist, and the cannabis plant has 120 of these. One of the most important terpenes is myrcene. It has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties. Pinene is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but it’s also used for mood elevation.

The humulene terpene is good for people who want to lose weight as it decreases their appetite. Caryophyllene terpene has a peppery smell and is used to treat anxiety and depression.

Since terpenes controls taste and smell, most people select their favorite flavor by the flower’s taste or smell. If you know your dominant strain, you can easily buy it.

Last Thoughts

Now that you know the differences between cannabis and terpenes, you can buy the terpenes strain that’s right for you. We offer some of the best-tasting terpenes, and we’re affordable. If you have any questions at all, you can contact us, and we’ll get right back to you. Happy shopping!


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