The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: How Terpenes Affect Your Body

Do smelling citrusy fruits awaken your senses and make you feel calm?

This is all due to the Terpenes, magical compounds that work hard to protect the plant. They’re found in almost all kinds of plants and some insects too. These compounds are responsible for the beautiful scents and the amazing flavors of many fruits and plants.

Woman dropping oil on the back of her hand with a dropper

It turns out the benefits of Terpenes aren’t just limited to plants. Terpenes do so much more for the human body!

Here’s all that you need to know about Terpenes’s effects on the human body and what it means for us.

A Calming Sensation

Terpenes are widely known for their synergistic effect in combination with Cannabis compounds. Terpenes bind to the brain cell receptors and induce the release of neurotransmitters like GABA, serotonin, and dopamine. All of these neurochemicals work together to relieve anxiety and stress and calm the body down.

Pain Relief

Certain Terpenes are known to have an analgesic effect on the body, thereby relieving pain. Moreover, Terpenes can also uplift your mood, which ultimately helps you achieve that long-lasting high.

Girl holding her face with hand

Terpenes interact with specific pain receptors in the body. This enables them to sedate the pain receptors and prevent them from sending any signals to the brain.

On the other hand, it stimulates the brain to release adenosine molecules, which aids in pain relief.

Induce Quality Sleep

Thousands of people use Cannabis as a sleep aid. This is due to the sleep-inducing properties of Terpenes found in Cannabis.

girl in grey shirt lying on white sheets

Terpenes have a sedative impact on neurological activity. It lowers brain activity, thereby making you drowsier. Moreover, the analgesic and hypnotic effects of these compounds set the right mood for you to it that pillow!

Assists the Immune System

While inflammation is necessary for the body, too much inflammation can cause your immune cells to go haywire.

Terpenes help the immune system by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. This means that they lower inflammation, relieve redness, swelling, and soreness in the body. This immensely reduces the progression of any inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, diabetes, and obesity.

100% natural Terpenes can take your experience to the next level. At Gold Coast Terpenes, our customers can find the terpenes for sale in Michigan. These blended Terpenes come in a variety of flavors and offer wonderful aromas. We ensure that these Terpenes for cartridges are free from any harmful additive and offer you pure goodness!

Buy natural Terpene for Cannabis in Michigan, and double your high experience!

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