Terpenes to the Rescue! How Cannabis Terpenes Can Eliminate Scalp Fungus

Terpenes can help you sport a healthy head of hair!

With their exceptional therapeutic properties, researchers have struck up a gold mine that keeps on giving. From benefiting mental health to aiding in skin function, terpenes are nothing less than a miracle substance.

topical application of terpenes can benefit scalp healthWe’re exploring how terpenes from plants can actually eliminate the risk of a scalp infection. Take a look!

What causes scalp fungus?

Believe it or not, but fungus-like Malassezia is naturally found on the scalp. However, a compromised scalp barrier can cause this fungus to go haywire and make you vulnerable to other bacterial and fungal infections.

Once the fungus has managed to find its way into the scalp, they feast on dead hair cells and scalp sebum. The immune system is quickly alerted about the invasion and sends off troops to fight off scalp fungus.

terpenes from plants can fight off scalp fungus

However, it isn’t always successful in battling the fungus on its own. Anti-fungal agents and even terpenes can help improve scalp conditions and fight off the infection.

Terpenes and Scalp Health—what’s the link?

This is where terpenes come in. Terpenes have been known to display anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and even anti-fungal properties. The right use of terpenes in the right concentration can actually ward off scalp infection and help you sport a healthy and clean-looking scalp. Here’s how it works.

Fast-acting solution

Terpenes such as beta-caryophyllene are highly effective in getting rid of scalp infections.

While you can always use synthetic anti-fungal shampoos, they can take weeks or even months to eliminate the scalp fungus. However, terpenes are quick to act and restore scalp health. These terpenes have anti-inflammatory properties that calm down the scalp and lessen the irritation.

Gentle on the scalp

While synthetic anti-fungal do work, they can cause more irritation, redness, and itching on the scalp. Meanwhile, terpenes are all-natural substances that can relieve scalp irritation without causing any side effects. It penetrates the skin barrier and is gentle enough to be used without any irritation.

These terpenes work two ways. They provide relief from inflammation, calm down any irritation, and also tackle fungal infection.

Who knew delicious tasting terpenes could help you rock a healthy scalp!


If you’re looking to amp your high experience with terpenes, Gold Coast Terpenes is just the place to be! We offer only the best-tasting terpenes for cartridges that are free of any solvents and pesticides.

You can find premium quality, best-tasting terpenes only at Gold Coast Terpene’s online shop.

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