Terpenes That Can Be Taken For Pain

Pain sucks; there’s no doubt about it. But the good news is that cannabis is here to help. It’s not just CBD and THC that are effective at pain management; terpenes are also helpful. If you’re wondering which terpenes are effective and how they work, you’ve come to the right place. Recent studies have confirmed that terpenes act as pain relievers and have anti-inflammatory properties. So which ones should you look for when you visit the dispensary? Here’s a list.



It has a lemony smell, like that of fresh citrus fruit. It’s found in several citrus-based cleaners and has several famous cannabis strains such as Jack Herer and Sour Diesel. Limonene can stimulate the immune system and has strong healing powers. It’s best known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. However, people use it to treat anxiety and depression as well because it elevates the mood and provides stress relief.


If the word reminds you of eucalyptus, there’s a reason. The eucalyptus tree is a main source of eucalyptol. It’s a powerful insecticide and antifungal, but it’s also used for relieving swelling and pain when inhaled or applied locally.



Pine cone blossoming in the woods

 If you smell it, you’ll be reminded of the pines in the wood. Pine comes from the conifer tree resin and has a fresh scent. It has powerful healing properties, as a study shows that beta-pinene stabilizes mood. It is also a potent antimicrobial as it brings relief from inflammation and pain, which is why it’s recommended for patients with MS and cancer. Moreover, pinene eliminates short-term memory loss caused by THC.





It’s one of the most common terpenes out there and a power pain-reliever. You’ll find it in bay leaves, hops, and mangos. It has a red grape-type smell with a hint of musk. Beta-Myrcene helps to fight pain, eases inflammation, and relaxes sore muscles.


This terpene is found abundantly in cannabis, and you can find it in cloves, rosemary, and hops. It has a distinctive flavor—kind of like pepper. It activates cannabinoid receptors which reduce inflammation and pain. Caryophyllene also lessens the risk of several diseases caused by inflammation.

Last Thoughts

If you’re looking to reduce your pain, you should buy terpene strain from us in Colorado. We have a variety of flavors. Check them out and leave a message if you have any questions at all. We’ll get back to you right away.


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