Precisely blended botanicals to emulate Tahoe OG‘s flavor & attributes found in nature!
Next time you’re having a psychotic, Buddy Israel-type episode in a hotel room, (or even if you’re having a normal, run of the mill day) enjoy a few whacks of the Tahoe OG. Tahoe is defined by its high Limonene and Beta-Caryophyllene traits and known for the bubbly aura and laughter-inducing randomness it’ll bring to the table.

Limonene, β-Caryophyllene, Myrcene, β-Pinene, α-Humulene, Linalool, α-Pinene, Fenchol, Nerolidol, Eucalyptol, Camphene, Borneol, Phytol, Caryophyllene Oxide, α-Phellandrene, Terpinolene

Please note all Strains are highly concentrated and need to be properly diluted before use.
These statements has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”