Precisely blended botanicals to emulate Sour Mango‘s flavor & attributes found in nature!
Capture the good vibes of your favorite Caribbean Island nations, with the Sour Mango hybrid. It’s a cross between Sour Diesel and Mango Haze, and heavily features Myrcene, (inherited mostly from the Sour D) which is associated with its uncanny anti-inflammatory qualities and capacity for pain relief.

Myrcene, α-Pinene, β-Pinene, β-Caryophyllene, Limonene, α-Humulene, Ocimene, Fenchol, α-Bisabolol, Camphene, Camphor, Ocimene, Geraniol, 3Carene

Please note all Strains are highly concentrated and need to be properly diluted before use.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.