Our Top Terpene Picks for You

Over 94 million people have admitted using marijuana at least once in their lifetime, with 12% of Americans being active users, in one form or the other.

The cannabis plant consists of high concentration of terpenes, an aromatic compound found in many plants. This often leads people to assume terpenes to be the same as THC or cannabidiol.

Terpenes can be found in many plants, such as pine, lavender, or cannabis, as well as fruits, such as orange and lemon peels. This is because most plants form fragrances by combining different terpenes.

As regulations ease around cannabis, scientists can carry out more research into its possible benefit-bearing components, such as terpenes.

Here are our top terpene picks for you based on different strain profiles.


A branch from sativa plantSativa is extracted from plants that are tall and narrow. Sativa is typically known for boosting productivity through the day due to its “head high” effect. It regulates an uplifting and invigorating effect that helps with social gatherings, physical activity, and working on creative projects.

THC Level: High

Benefits: Energy, mood, concentration, focus, anti-stress

Aroma/Flavor: Sweet, sour, pine flavor, and floral (depends on strain)


Clementine is out of our best sellers that also won 2nd place for “best Sativa Concentrate” in the 2015 Michigan Cannabis Cup. Its best known for its soothing traits to increase mental alertness.


Indica PlantIndica, on the other hand, is extracted from short and bushy plants with short, wide leaves. It provides a “body high” feel that promotes body relaxation, regulates sleep, and relieves pain.

CBD Level: High

Benefits: Relaxation, sleep, anti-stress, sedation, anti-anxiety

Aroma/Flavor: Earthy, woody, sweet, fruity (depends on strain)


9lb Hammer is our best-selling botanical indica blend that penetrates through the depths of your senses to regulate relaxation. The 9 Pound Hammer is the best product for inducing sleep or decreasing restlessness through a long trip.


Hybrids contain the best of both worlds as these strains are bred from both Sativa and Indica. Depending on the intensity, they are often divided into two categories: Sativa Dominant and Indica Dominant.

Mix Levels of CBD and THC

Benefits and aroma vary based on the traits inherited from the parent plants


Apple Jack combines the beastly profiles of Sativa and Indica that are best to start the day with. The specific mix helps combat symptoms of nausea, chronic pain, and general malaise.

If you are in search of a mix to reduce pain while exhibiting relaxing effects, Charlotte’s Web is the fix for you. It’s one of our premier CBD terpene strains online that is relaxing and anti-inflammatory.

These were just some of our top-selling flavored terpenes in CA. Explore the full range on our website.

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