Insomnia: What is it and How You Can Cope with It

Are you tired of tossing and turning, staring at the clock, listening to long hours of music to zone you out, and still struggling to sleep? You’re probably dealing with insomnia. It’s a widespread issue that affects around 40 million Americans every year.

Insomnia refers to the inability to sleep and it naturally impacts one’s quality of life. Most people with sleeping disorders either find it hard to fall asleep or aren’t able to sleep deep enough to ensure good quality rest.

a woman unable to sleep at night

There are several natural and medication-assisted ways to deal with insomnia. Following are some of them.

Regular Physical Exercise

Going to bed with excessive built-up tension is one of the most significant causes of insomnia. However, you can cope with it by engaging in moderate physical activity before sleeping. Swimming, running, or even walking regularly before bed is an excellent practice for de-stressing.

The exhaustion from your workout will help you sleep much faster, allowing you to enjoy deeper sleep than usual. Remember to not engage in high-intensity exercises before bedtime, as they may keep you awake.

a woman exercising in a garden

Avoid Caffeine

Another reason why many Americans struggle with insomnia is excessive caffeine consumption. Most beverages these days have high amounts of caffeine, including tea, coffee, sodas, and energy drinks. Consistent caffeine consumption keeps one awake for long hours, disrupting the process of falling asleep.


Replace caffeine drinks with natural beverages such as green tea, milkshakes, or herbal tea. Avoiding caffeine before bedtime will also promote a deep sleep required for maximum relaxation.

People have been using terpenes for their healing abilities for decades. These are aromatic extractions from plants and fruits. While they protect the natural ecosystem from pests and predators, they also provide natural healing powers to medication by synergizing cannabis.


Terpinolene is a rare terpene but is one of the most effective blends to promote long-lasting sleep with the utmost relaxation. It has unique sedative effects that’ll help people with chronic insomnia instantly fall asleep.


Breeders extract these terpenes from lilacs and apples. They work by directly impacting one’s central nervous system, leading to drowsiness and other sleep-inducing effects.

terpene bottles with blended isolates on a white surface

You can now find the best tasting terpenes in California at Gold Coast Terpenes. We’re a leading supplier, offering terpenes for carts, free from additives, VG, PG, PEG, and MCT. Check out our 100% natural blended terpenes to learn more about their health benefits and attributes.

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