How Canna Terpenes Can Potentially Help You Manage Pain

There are many different ways in which canna terpenes can help people. Research shows that Phyto cannabinoids and terpenes work together to help treat pain. In fact, through their anti-inflammatory effects, terpenes can help reduce pain in a completely different manner to cannabinoids. The primary way this can be achieved is by reducing swelling in different areas of the body. Let’s find out how.

Reduces Inflammation

As we’ve already discussed, inflammation is at the root cause of most pain syndromes. In fact, there’s evidence to suggest that chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis can be considered as a form of painful degeneration.

Cannabinoids and terpenes work together to give us the entourage effect, countering inflammation anywhere in the body. Researchers believe that one of the main reasons why cannabis is such a great anti-inflammatory agent is because of its high content of monoterpene acids such as myrcene, pinene, limonene, caryophyllene, etc.

Enhances the analgesic effects of cannabinoids

Terpenes have been shown to enhance the pain-relieving effects of cannabinoids by altering blood flow to an area without increasing oxidative stress levels in the nervous system which would cause damage to neural pathways and other surrounding cells. Two primary ways terpenes achieve this are either by reducing local blood vessel contractions (vasodilation) or increasing local blood vessel expansion (vascular dilation) in addition to reducing inflammation as mentioned earlier.

Increasing blood flow

Certain terpenes reduce the response of neutrophils to inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 Beta) by binding to these cells and decreasing their uptake into the blood stream. This can alleviate swelling by reducing the amount of fluid your body produces which might explain why cannabis oils high in myrcene have been shown to decrease joint inflammation and swelling too.

Find recommendations for terpenes that are designed for pain, browse through these options, or head to this for inflammation-related terpenes. We’ve got a wide variety of products for you to choose from.If you’d like to know more about our products or need help with choosing the right strain for yourself, get in touch with us. We’ve got multiple types of cannabis terpenes, including the best tasting terpenes in CA! They’re delicious, effective, and perfect for daily use.

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