A Comparison of Indica and Sativa Strains Available in Michigan

Indica plant

There are many terpene strains now available in the market, and they’re being sold to buyers commercially. People looking to consume different terpene strains or use them in other products need to know the difference between them to get the maximum benefit out of them.

Here’s a comparison of the Indica and Sativa terpene strains available for sale in Michigan.

Indica And Sativa Plants Have Different Appearance

An Indica plant is short and stocky. It’s bushier in appearance, and its leaves are shorter, chunkier, and broader. On the contrary, Sativa plants are taller and slimmer. Their leaves are longer and thinner, with sharp points at the end. A Sativa plant looks lankier in appearance.

Both Strain Have Different Physiological Effects

The Indica strain tends to lower energy levels, so it should be consumed in the evening or at night to let the body enter a relaxed state of rest and to get better sleep.

However, you should be careful when consuming Indica strains. Some are so potent that they can have a couchlock effect on people, meaning after finishing a strong Indica strain, they become so relaxed that it’s difficult for them to even get up from the couch.

Hence, it’s better to dilute terpene strains to make sure they’re safe for consumption. Use our mixing terpenes calculator to evaluate what percentage of terpene concentrate to add to get the desired final product.

While Indica strain gives a person a body high, a Sativa strain directly affects the brain and results in a head high. The effects of Sativa include increased creativity, better productivity and uplifting feelings.

Indica can promote relaxation in the body and works as an appetite stimulator. It can also be used as a sleep aid or provide pain relief to patients suffering from chronic conditions such as arthritis.

In contrast, Sativa has more cerebral effects and induces feelings of alertness and euphoria in its consumers. If you need to increase your energy levels and creativity, you should consume Sativa strains during the daytime for maximum benefits.

A green sativa plant

Indica And Sativa Have Different Medical Benefits

Indica strains are mainly beneficial for reducing pain and inflammation due to chronic medical conditions, so patients with arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia benefit more from consuming Indica.

Patients who suffer from psychological ailments such as PTSD, stress, depression, anxiety, etc., should consume Sativa strains, potentially helping them reduce their symptoms and improve their mental well-being.

To buy terpene strain in Michigan, get in touch with us at Gold Coast Terpenes. We provide high-quality Indica and Sativa strains. Contact us today to purchase Michigan terpenes for sale.

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