3 Tips to Mix Terpenes

Do you know that terpenes have lots of benefits? From being used in food to add aroma and flavor to using them in vapes, terpenes can be used in several ways. Another great thing about terpenes is that you can easily create your variant of terpenes and improve your vaping experience by mixing different terpenes.

But how exactly should you mix terpenes, and what measurements should you follow? This blog discusses some tips and tricks that are used while mixing terpenes for vapes.

Natural terpene oil surrounded by plants and seedsWhy Should You Never Use Pure Terpenes?

Pure terpenes are extremely potent. Using concentrated terpenes could lead to health risks and side effects. If you want to have a safe vaping experience, you must dilute terpenes and mix them properly.

Since terpene oils are made of alcohols, ketones, monoterpenes, and triterpenes, undiluted terpene oils can cause health defects like mucous membrane irritation, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, heart issues, and seizures.

Scroll down to read about mixing and diluting terpenes for a safe vaping experience.

1- Choosing the Right Terpene Oil

The diluting process of terpenes is easier than it sounds. In simple words, you have to mix your terpene with other compounds like carrier oils or vape oil. However, you have to ensure that the concentration of terpene in the resulting solution is five percent or less.

The first trick to mixing terpene is to choose the terpene oil you want. You can buy terpene oil based on the effect you want during vaping or the aroma you like.

For example, if you want terpenes that can boost your mood, select limonene. If you like earthy and woody aromas, you can select myrcene and mix it with humulene or camphene. But remember – you should always purchase terpene oils from reputable online sources.

2- Choosing the Right Carrier Oil

Once you have selected the terpene oil or a mixture of terpene oils based on your preferences, you can choose the carrier oil that easily dissolves them. Since terpene oils are sticky, you can select carrier oils like coconut oil, olive oil, and hemp oil.

A huge reason to select these carrier oils is that they distribute the terpenes evenly in the solution and help the cells absorb terpenes. However, your vaping pen already comes with a vape oil that you can use. You can also use vaping oil from a reputable shop if you are vaping through mods.

3- Using a Reputable Calculator

The final solution in your vaping device should only have one to five percent of terpene concentration. But how do you make sure that the concentration is right? Use a mixing calculator.

Natural terpene oil dropping from a dripperAt Gold Coast Terpenes, our mixing terpene calculator does all the necessary calculations for you to get effectively diluted solutions for a secure and enjoyable vaping experience.

We also have some of the best-tasting terpenes in FL. You can visit our website to buy natural terpenes and dilute them through the tips and tricks mentioned above.

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