How Specific Terpenes Work on Pain, Inflammation, Anxiety

Terpenoids, commonly known as terpenes, are flavored and aromatic compounds found in cannabis plants. Among other aromatic benefits, terpenes have many medical benefits.

Besides cannabis, flavored terpenes are found in tea, Spanish sage, and citrus fruits like lemon or mandarin.

Flavors and scents often have healing abilities. Depending on the type of terpene used, it can help in pain relief, stress release, and systematic inflammation.

Here’s a general overview of how certain terpene isolates work on pain, anxiety, and inflammation relief:

Terpenes and Pain Management

More than 50 million people in the US suffer from chronic pain. The most common areas of pain are the hips and knees. It is an ongoing and painful medical condition that occurs due to damage to the body.

Pain affects the overall quality of life. It also results in loss of independence. Here are some common terpenes that assist in pain relief.


Linalool is a common compound used in scents. It is found in citrus, mint, and lavender plants and has anti-inflammatory traits.

Linalool works to reduce the excitability of spinal cord cells by transmitting signals to the brain. The brain responds and increases adenosine that aids in pain relief and relaxes the body.


Myrcene is the most prevalent terpene found in the US. It’s commonly found in bay leaves, thyme, and hops. Myrcene is responsible for the robust spicy flavor in beer.

Myrcene activates TPRP1, a receptor in the body responsible for treating pain. Myrcene blocks naloxone and triggers an opioid-like mechanism.


Limonene is another terpene found in citrus and has a fruity and uplifting flavor. Studies have shown that limonene is beneficial for reducing pain in bones and muscles. It also helps with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Terpenes and Anti-Inflammation


Alpha-Humulene terpene has anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that it can reduce allergic inflammation in the lungs by triggering an antihistamine response in the body.

Research also suggests that alpha-humulene has healing potential for individuals with asthma. However, further research is required.


Linalool terpene plays a major role in reducing inflammation in the body through essential oils. Studies show that linalool has anti-inflammatory agents that lower the inflammatory marker in the blood.

Terpenes and Anxiety

More than 77 percent of adults in the US experience stress and anxiety due to work. The following are recommended  terpenes for anxiety:


Studies show that linalool increases cell membranes’ permeability, which improves the anxiolytic effect.

People who experience anxiety can benefit greatly from linalool terpene due to its antidepressant effects that stimulate serotonin levels.


Beta-Caryophyllene is an antidepressant terpene that has robust anxiolytic effects.

Serotonin receptors mediate anxiolytic effects in the body. This increases serotonin, leading to stress release.
A clear glass with lemon slices, clear liquid, and lemongrass

Looking to Buy Terpenes Online NV?

While it’s debatable whether terpenes are cannabis Sativa or Indica, mixing them results in the entourage effect.

Our mixing calculator is famous for completing the experience by accompanying different terpenes. You can find naturally flavored terpenes at our enterprise. You can rest assured that they’re obtained from a safe and non-cannabis source.

Visit our online shop now to buy terpenes for pain relief in Nevada.


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