How to Use Turpentine in Oil Painting?

Colorado is home to one of America’s most artistically vibrant communities, with museums like the Springs Fine Arts Center, the Museum of Contemporary Arts, and the iconic Denver Arts museum. Carrying artifacts from some of the world’s renowned artists such as Claude Monet’s Path in the Wheat Fields at Pourville, 1882 oil painting.


Oil painting, in general, has come a long way, from the 650AD Buddhist murals in the caves of  Afghanistan to youth searching to buy that perfect distilled terpene strain on the streets of Colorado to achieve that adequate oil paint composition.

A variety of paintbrushes with paint on them.


Today the use of turpentine in oil painting is not a rare occurrence. Artists tend to mix turpentine with the paint for its ability to quickly solidify and provide a firm coating of the base layer to begin a project.

Another great use for turpentine in oil painting is its cleaning characteristics. Turpentine is potentially the only solvent between linseed and safflower oil that helps clean your brushes.


  • The first thing you need to do is to source distilled terpene, which is widely available for sale in various shops of Colorado,or you can order some online.
  • Secondly, find the desired paint pigment and mix it well with the turpentine in a container until it completely combines.
  • Now check for the properties of the solution and the depth of the color pigment. The solution needs to be light with the right density to provide a firm base layer. Also, the desired color should be reached with minor additions of the color pigment.
  • Remember achieving the adequate balance between the solution density and the desired color scheme is the key and should be proceeded with precaution. A little too much addition of the color pigment can cause the mixture to become unstable and saturated. The condensed mixture can prolong the drying process and hinder the ability of the paint to stick.

Although painting with turpentine can be tricky, once mastered, an Artist can redeem unique qualities in their artwork that other solvents cannot provide. So, if you are also an artist looking to buy some natural and exotic terpene, head on to our page. We offer various profiles to pick from with delivery options nationwide.

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